• Business  And   Communications

    International professionals who seek a dynamic and successful career in today's diverse global business environment must be able to function at a high level of competence in English in order to achieve their professional goals; otherwise, they risk losing important career opportunities.The International Business Communication Program (IBCP) at the University of Pennsylvania is a four-week program designed for business professionals with advanced proficiency in English who want to improve the effectiveness and confidence with which they communicate in professional situations in English.

  • Computers  And   Technology

    A program for which all the required coursework for program completion is able to be completed via distance education courses that incorporate Internet-based learning technologies. Distance education courses are courses that deliver instruction to students who are separated from the instructor and support regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor synchronously or asynchronously.

  • Biological  And   Lifesciences

    The universe of schools surveyed in biological sciences, chemistry, computer science, earth sciences, mathematics, and physics consisted of schools that awarded at least five doctoral degrees for the years from 2003 through 2008, according to the National Science Foundation report "Science and Engineering Doctorate Awards." The American Statistical Association provided U.S. News with eligible programs for statistics. In biological sciences, graduate programs may be offered in a university's medical school or its college of arts and sciences. In statistics, graduate programs may be offered through a biostatistics or statistics department.

  • Art  And   Architecture

    Reserves one-half of one percent of the estimated construction cost of each new federal building to commission project artists. A panel composed of art professionals, civic and community representatives, the project's lead design architect, and staff meets to discuss opportunities for artists to participate in the building project. This panel reviews a diverse pool of artist candidates and nominates finalists to evaluate. Artists who receive federal commissions work with the project architects and others as members of a design team to ensure that the artworks are meaningfully integrated into the overall project.

  • Education  And   Teaching

    The Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program (TEA) provides outstanding secondary school teachers of English, social studies, math and science with unique opportunities to develop expertise in their subject areas, enhance their teaching skills and increase their knowledge about the United States. Teachers come to the United States from all world regions for a six-week academic program at a U.S. university graduate school of education, including intensive training in teaching methodologies, lesson planning, teaching strategies for their home environment, teacher leadership, and the use of instructional technologies. The program also includes field experience at a secondary school to engage participants with American teachers and students.

  • Engineering  And   Technology

    Engineering is a wide field that leads to various degree options and finally to huge scope of career opportunities. Engineering is a four year degree certified program in technical field. Engineering is a highly dynamic field with immense technical and practical knowledge. An engineering graduate is able to apply the basic knowledge of mathematics , current engineering practices and understanding of new inventions to solve design problems, operation ,testing and manufacturing of various systems.

  • Health,Nursing  And   Medicine

    Today's complex health problems cannot be solved through single-discipline research alone. Interdisciplinary research, drawing from nursing, biomedicine, public health, social sciences and other fields, is essential to the complex study of health and illness and to the discovery of creative solutions that are meaningful to society. The School of Nursing, with its values of interprofessional and interdisciplinary education and research, adds a much-needed perspective to the study of health and illness. Nursing research contributes to the science of individual, family and community health.

  • Humanities,Cultures  And   Languages

    The humanities can be described as the study of the myriad ways in which people, from every period of history and from every corner of the globe, process and document the human experience. Since humans have been able, we have used philosophy, literature, religion, art, music, history and language to understand and record our world. These modes of expression have become some of the subjects that traditionally fall under the humanities umbrella. Knowledge of these records of human experience gives us the opportunity to feel a sense of connection to those who have come before us, as well as to our contemporaries. Within the contemporary American university, the humanities are comprised of a group of academic departments that deal with these questions.

  • Law,Military  And   Criminal Justice

    Whether you are new to criminal justice, or have been serving your community or country as a member of law enforcement or the military, Remington College's Online Associate's Degree Program in Criminal Justice online may help prepare you for new employment opportunities or advancement. In addition, by completing this 18-month criminal justice degree online through our associate's degree program, you will be qualified to enroll in our online Criminal Justice Bachelor Degree Program.

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